Membership Directory - Corporate


Member Since: 2020


VELCO is the nation’s first statewide, transmission-only company, created in 1956 to build and operate an interconnected electric transmission grid in order to deliver and share access in Vermont to clean power, including hydro. VELCO remains unique in two important ways: our ownership comprises the state’s 17 distribution utilities and a public benefits corporation and our for-profit status is structured to return value to our owners, their customers, and every Vermonter. Our Company works to ensure a reliable, affordable, safe, secure and sustainable high-voltage grid, and a strong unified voice on regional energy issues.
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Available to Members
Street: 366 Pinnacle Ridge Road
City: Rutland
Province: Vermont
Zip Code: 05701
Phone: +1 8027739161
Sector: Other


Account Manager
Vegetation Management
Rocky Ridge Sugarworks
Communications & Policy Advocate
Communications & Policy Advocate
Asst General Counsel